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Any Suitable PSLE Science Assessment or Guide Books to buy from Popular?

Don't buy anymore random PSLE Science assessment books for your child anymore!  As primary science exam is drawing closer, many parents are asking what some suitable assessment books to buy from popular for additional practice for? With so many assessment books to choose from, it is no doubt why parents find it so tough to make decisions and oftentimes, they just buy something that 'looks good' but parents have no idea how to judge whether or not the question type in the assessment book is even relevant.  As such, poor students end up doing and doing many work but don't see great results.  So this post is to help you choose the right books and don't waste more money and time.  1. Science Assessment Book By Topics  This is a great book that is very similar to exam paper questions and it is topical!  There is a wide coverage on the question types for each topic.  A lot of parents thought this book is for teachers to use. But it is not true. It is called ...